By: Jeff Deal, Program Chair, Predictive Analytics World Healthcare
In anticipation of his upcoming conference presentation at Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare New York, October 29 – Nov 2, 2017, we asked Feras Batarseh, Research Assistant Professor, George Mason University – George Washington University, a few questions about incorporating predictive analytics into healthcare. Catch a glimpse of his presentation, Evaluating the Quality of State's Healthcare Using Big Data Analytics, and see what’s in store at the PAW Healthcare conference in New York City.
Q: In your work with predictive analytics, what area of healthcare are you focused on?
A: In this upcoming talk, the focus will be: healthcare policy. The goal is to shed light on how data & predictive analytics can drive better decision making and provide better insights to policy making in healthcare and potentially other domains.
Q: What outcomes do your models predict?
A: The model that will be presented at PAW predicts the quality of service (QoS) of healthcare at states, cities, and counties across the country. The goal is to evaluate service, and find correlations of quality to certain policies and practices.
Q: How does predictive analytics deliver value at your organization? What is one specific way in which it actively drives decisions or impacts operations?
A: We are injecting predictive analytics at multiple federal agencies – and as an educational institution (GMU), we aim to spread the good news that the US government can 'function' better through data science. Therefore, and based on that simple notion, a number of experts collaborated and published the following book to highlight ''policy making through data science'', available through this link.
Q: Can you describe a successful result, such as the predictive lift of your model or the ROI of an analytics initiative?
A: Multiple use cases developed – I will cover some of them in my talk.
Q: What surprising discovery have you unearthed in your data?
A: In a nutshell, there are many insights buried in the data which can be used to provide better overall patient experience. Certain states can highly improve their QoS in healthcare by applying certain successful practices. For example, states that 'encourage & promote' preventive care, tend to have 'healthier' citizens.
Q: What areas of healthcare do you think have seen the greatest advances or ROI from the use of predictive analytics?
A: Hospital service improvements, bed-side care, patient re-admissions, better policy making, and other metrics for success.
Q: Sneak preview: Please tell us a take-away that you will provide during your talk at Predictive Analytics World.
A: Through data science, the American public can be involved in healthcare policy making. Predictive analytics can empower the government to transforming from a government of bureaucracies and 'black-box' policy making to a government of data-driven processes; a difficult pursuit, but a compulsory one.
Don't miss Feras’ presentation, Evaluating the Quality of State's Healthcare Using Big Data Analytics, at PAW Healthcare on Monday, October 30, 2017, from 2:40 to 3:00 pm. Click here to register for attendance.
By: Jeff Deal, Conference Chair, Predictive Analytics World Healthcare