Only 3 ½ Weeks Left
Text Analytics World, March 6-7, San Francisco
Text Analytics World focuses on concrete examples of deployed text analytics. Hear from the horse's mouth precisely how Fortune 500 analytics competitors and other top practitioners employ text analytics, and what kind of business impact it delivers.
TAW San Francisco will feature over 20 sessions with case studies at leading enterprises in e-commerce, financial services, government, healthcare, high technology, insurance, retail, and social media such as:
Text Analytics World San Francisco, March 6-7, 2012, is packed with the top text analytics experts, practitioners, authors and business thought leaders, including keynote speakers:
Johan Bollen Associate Professor Indiana University Modeling Collective Mood States Using Social Media Analytics |
John Elder CEO & Founder Elder Research, Inc. Multiple Case Studies: Text Mining: Lessons Learned |
Usama Fayyad Chairman & CTO ChoozOn Former Chief Data Officer Yahoo! Text Analytics and Mining Big Data: From Sentiment Analysis to Understanding Consumer Intent |
TAW San Francisco's agenda covers hot topics and advanced methods such as blackbox trading, customer service and call centers, decision support, document discovery, document filtering, financial indicators from social media, government applications, insurance applications, knowledge discovery, marketing and branding, product launching, sentiment analysis, social data, social media analytics, social media applications, text analytics software, topic discovery, voice of the customer, and other innovative applications that benefit organizations in new and creative ways.
Note: Bring the team and realize additional savings. Each additional attendee from the same company registered at the same time receives an extra $200 off the Conference Pass.