Predictive Analytics World for Government
September 17-21, 2018 – Washington DC

Monday, September 17
The Best of Predictive Analytics: Core Machine Learning and Data Science Techniques
Full-day: 8:30am – 4:30pm
This one-day session surveys standard and advanced methods for predictive modeling (aka machine learning).

Thursday, September 20
The Deadly Dozen: The Top 12 Analytics Mistakes and the Techniques to Defeat Them
Full-day: 8:30am – 4:30pm
This one-day session reveals the subtle mistakes analytics practitioners often make when facing a new challenge (the “deadly dozen”), and clearly explains the advanced methods seasoned experts use to avoid those pitfalls and build accurate and reliable models.

Friday, September 21
Data Science for Managers
Full-day: 9:00am – 4:30pm
This 1-day workshop is an introduction to data science for executives and managers of data science programs. It provides a high-level overview of modern data science concepts, tools, and techniques from a management perspective.