Thanks for attending Predictive Analytics World Healthcare 2016,
we can't wait to see you again in 2017.
"Great conference. All of the talks were topical, interesting, and well presented."
Scott Zasadil, Ph.D., Chief Scientist, UPMC Health Plan
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Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare 3nd Annual Conference:
October 23 - 27, 2016 in New York
Predictive Analytics World Healthcare, October 23 - 27, 2016 in New York, is packed with the top predictive analytics experts, practitioners, authors, healthcare thought leaders, and keynote speakers:
Marty Kohn, MD Chief Medical Scientist Sentrian (formerly with IBM Watson) Real World Data and the Transformation of Healthcare |
Wasim Malik, Ph.D. Assistant Professor & Director Harvard/MIT Laboratory for Neuromotor Signal Processing Brain-Machine Interface Technology: Separating Hope from Hype |
Nephi Walton, MD Pediatrician/Genetics Fellow at Washington University School of Medicine Cofounder of BrainSpin Predictive Analytics, Genomics, and Precision Medicine - Separating the Hype from the Reality |
Ken Yale, JD, DDS Vice President of Clinical Solutions ActiveHealth Management Predictive Analytics, Genomics, and Precision Medicine - Separating the Hype from the Reality |
Plus a special plenary session from industry heavy-weight: Dr. John Elder CEO & Founder Elder Research, Inc. |
Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare focuses on real-world examples of deployed predictive analytics. Attend and witness today's rapidly emerging movement to fortify healthcare with big data's biggest win: the power to predict. The premier cross-vendor networking event, this conference assembles the industry's leaders to deliver case studies and expertise, revealing how predictive analytics improves patient care, reduces costs and brings greater efficiencies to the healthcare industry. Click here to view the 2016 agenda at-a-glance.
The PAW Healthcare program will feature sessions and case studies across Healthcare Business Operations and Clinical applications so you can witness how predictive analytics is employed at leading enterprises and resulting in improved outcomes, lower costs, and higher patient satisfaction.
PAW Healthcare's agenda will cover hot topics and advanced methods; and applications such as Claims Analytics, Clinical Modeling, Cluster Analysis, Data Governance, Deploying Risk Models, Disease Modeling, Healthcare Informatics, Marketing Analytics, Predicting Insurance Costs, Personalized What-if Analysis, Predicting Disease and Infection, Resource Optimization, Readmission Risk, Reducing Incorrect Payments, Risk Scoring, Targeted Care Management, and other innovative applications that benefit organizations in new and creative ways.
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