Originally posted in MIT Techonology Review, Oct 2, 2020. Agence is neither a movie nor a game, which has frustrated some critics, but it gives a taste of what the future of AI filmmaking could be. The square-faced, three-legged alien shoves and jostles to get at the enormous plant taking over its tiny planet. But
Originally published in Wired.com, October 2, 2020. Algorithms can help diagnose a growing range of health problems, but humans need to be trained to listen. Nurse Dina Sarro didn’t know much about artificial intelligence when Duke University...
Originally posted to DiscoverMagazine, July 24, 2020. Deep learning eats so much power that even small advances will be unfeasible give the massive environmental damage they will wreak, say computer scientists. Deep in the bowels of the...
TikTok Wednesday revealed some of the elusive workings of the prized algorithm that keeps hundreds of millions of users worldwide hooked on the viral video app. Why it matters: The code TikTok uses to pick your next...
By partnering with Google, DeepMind is able to bring the benefits of AI to billions of people all over the world. From reuniting a speech-impaired user with his original voice, to helping users discover personalised apps,...
Multi-armed bandits have become a popular alternative to traditional A/B testing for online experimentation at Stitch Fix. We’ve recently decided to extend our experimentation platform to include multi-armed bandits as a first-class feature. This post gives an...
Neural networks get a bad reputation for being black boxes. And while it certainly takes creativity to understand their decision making, they are really not as opaque as people would have you believe. In this tutorial, I’ll...
Originally published in Medium, Aug 5, 2020. In the early 1980s, Douglas Hofstadter introduced the “Copycat” letter-string domain for analogy-making. Here are some sample analogy problems: If the string abc changes to the string abd, what does...
Originally published in Jonathan Ramkissoon Blog, July 29, 2020. I trained a multi-class classifier on images of cats, dogs and wild animals and passed an image of myself, it’s 98% confident I’m a dog. The problem isn’t...