Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
Why You Must Twist Your Data Scientist’s Arm To Estimate AI’s Value
 Originally published in Forbes, June 11, 2024. If you’ve...
3 Ways Predictive AI Delivers More Value Than Generative AI
 Originally published in Forbes, March 4, 2024. Which kind...
AI Success Depends On How You Choose This One Number
 Originally published in Forbes, March 25, 2024. To do...
Elon Musk Predicts Artificial General Intelligence In 2 Years. Here’s Why That’s Hype
 Originally published in Forbes, April 10, 2024 When OpenAI’s...

Industry News

How Google is Remaking Itself as a “Machine Learning First” Company

  Originally published in Carson Holgate is training to become a ninja. Not in the martial arts — she’s already done that. Holgate, 26, holds a second degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. This time it’s algorithmic. Holgate is several weeks into a program that will inculcate her in an even more powerful practice

The AI “Gaydar” Study and the Real Dangers of Big Data

 Originally published in The New Yorker Editor’s note: Keep in mind that the high “accuracies” such as 81%, as reported by this research up front, are misleading. The model is effective, with a lift around 7 at...

Using Machine Learning to Predict Value of Homes On Airbnb

 Originally published in Medium Introduction Data products have always been an instrumental part of Airbnb’s service. However, we have long recognized that it’s costly to make data products. For example, personalized search ranking enables guests to more...

Women Flocking to Statistics, the Newly Hot, High-Tech Field of Data Science

  Originally published in The Washington Post LINCOLN, Neb. — The numbers of women in science and technology are dismal: Barely 18 percent of computer science degrees go to women. Women make up 11 percent of math faculty....

How HBO’s Silicon Valley Built “Not Hotdog” with Mobile TensorFlow, Keras & React Native

 Originally published in Hacker Noon, June 26, 2017 The HBO show Silicon Valley released a real AI app that identifies hotdogs — and not hotdogs — like the one shown on season 4’s 4th episode (the app is now available on Android as well as...

Analytics make Bright Cellars the Pandora of wine clubs

 Originally published in The Journal Sentinel, June 28, 2017 If the machine-learning algorithm gets it right, you’ll be matched with wines you love. That’s the idea behind Bright Cellars, a Milwaukee-based monthly wine club begun by two...

Forecasting At Uber With Recurrent Neural Networks

 Originally published in Uber Engineering, June 9, 2017 At Uber, event forecasting enables us to future-proof our services based on anticipated user demand. The goal is to accurately predict where, when, and how many ride requests Uber...

Predictive Analytics for Fintech and Banking

 Steven Ramirez is the conference moderator for Predictive Analytics World for Financial, Oct 29-Nov 2, 2017 in New York—where he will also provide the opening keynote, “Chatbots, Robo-Advisors, and AI, Oh My! Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning Case...

What Is the Best Way to Get More Women into Analytics? Don’t Make Them into Men

  Originally published in Linkedin I recently sat on a panel of “Women in Predictive Analytics”, moderated by Greta Roberts with Jeanne Harris from Columbia University and Lauren Haynes from University of Chicago.  Although the three of us on the panel had never...

Uncle Sam Wants Your Deep Neural Networks

   Originally published in NYTimes, June 22, 2017 SAN FRANCISCO — The Department of Homeland Security is turning to data scientists to improve screening techniques at airports. On Thursday, the department, working with Google, introduced a $1.5 million contest to build computer...

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