Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
Why You Must Twist Your Data Scientist’s Arm To Estimate AI’s Value
 Originally published in Forbes, June 11, 2024. If you’ve...
3 Ways Predictive AI Delivers More Value Than Generative AI
 Originally published in Forbes, March 4, 2024. Which kind...
AI Success Depends On How You Choose This One Number
 Originally published in Forbes, March 25, 2024. To do...
Elon Musk Predicts Artificial General Intelligence In 2 Years. Here’s Why That’s Hype
 Originally published in Forbes, April 10, 2024 When OpenAI’s...

Industry News

Tweets Tell Whether You Have A Job

 Twitter data mining could provide governments with an alternative means of measuring unemployment, researchers say. Researchers at universities in Australia, Spain, and the US, in conjunction with UNICEF, have found that Twitter posts can be mined to measure unemployment. In a study published through Cornell’s, researchers Alejandro Llorente, Manuel Garcia-Herranz, Manuel Cebrian, and Esteban

HR Ranks at the Bottom — Reasons to Adopt Metrics and Predictive Analytics

 When you survey the most frequent users of analytics and metrics in the corporate world, not surprisingly you find that HR ranks at the very bottom. Compared to finance, which is ranked No. 1, HR compares poorly...

Prescriptive versus Predictive Analytics – A Distinction without a Difference?

 Summary:  Is the addition of “Prescriptive” analytics to our nomenclature really worthwhile or are we just confusing our customers? I admit to being annoyed when this or that industry wag tries to coin a new term to...

The Single Best Predictive Modeling Technique. Seriously.

 I read two strangely similar articles last week. One was an article by Vincent Granville, entitled “The 8 worst predictive modeling techniques”. The other was an article on Forbes entitled “America’s 10 Best-Paying Jobs”. What on Earth...

Keys to avoiding pitfalls on analytical models: testing, relevancy

  Predictive modeling can lead to some pretty bad insights when done poorly, but overcoming some common issues can help users sidestep problems on predictive analytics projects. Predictive modeling can be a powerful tool to help businesses...

Insurers still struggle with predictive analytics: Study

 Majority of the insurers cite lack of IT resources as their biggest challenge in implementing anti-fraud technology. Predictive Analytics World for Business, March 29 – April 2, 2015 in San Francisco, will include five (5) sessions on...

Rock Health: How Predictive Analytics Impacts Patient Care

 For more case studies in predictive healthcare, see Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare, October 2015 in Boston. As data sources and technology advance, algorithms will be able to deliver better, personalized care. Though personalized medicine has yet...

Predictive Medicine Depends on Analytics

 Regression models, Monte Carlo simulations, and other methods for predicting what’s around the corner have been in use for decades. It’s only recently, though, that advances in information technology have made it possible for predictive tools to...

Can Big Data Tell Us What Clinical Trials Don’t?

 For more case studies in predictive healthcare, see Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare, October 2015 in Boston. When a helicopter rushed a 13-year-old girl showing symptoms suggestive of kidney failure to Stanford’s Packard Children’s Hospital, Jennifer Frankovich...

Predictive Analytics will Revolutionize Healthcare

 For more case studies in predictive healthcare, see Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare, October 2015 in Boston. This past week I attended the Predictive Analytics World Healthcare Conference in Boston.  This was the first healthcare focused event...

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