This New York Times article addresses what most predictive analytics practitioners refer to as data preparation. Although it uses other terms to refer to that, it draws a good birds-eye-view vantage on the topic, and covers an arena of emerging start-up companies aiming to focus on it. Technology revolutions come in measured, sometimes foot-dragging steps.
With only hindsight being 20/20, predictive analytics is being used by businesses to predict customer behavior, future market conditions and obstacles that were once unforseen. Accenture released their research on 600 business executives that said their companies...
In 2009, Alexander S. White, a former Universal Music Group intern, co-founded a company called Next Big Sound that analyzed vast amounts of data about musicians — from Twitter activity to Wikipedia searches to radio appearances —...
To learn more about talent analytics, attend Predictive Analytics World for Workforce As the economy improves, demand for new hires is rising as more departing and retiring employees leave openings to fill. With increased voluntary turnover, organizations...
With massive amounts of our personal data now being routinely collected and stored, privacy breaches are almost inevitable In the era of big data, the battle for privacy has already been fought and lost – personal data...
Jeff Deal (deal datamininglab com) is the vice president of operations for Elder Research, a data mining and predictive analytics consultancy, in Charlottesville, Virginia. He is also the program chair for the inaugural Predictive Analytics...
For more case studies in employee churn, see Predictive Analytics World for Workforce, March 31-April 1, 2015 in San Francisco. Greta Roberts will be keynoting. The importance of finding the right employee from the start may seem...
Last year, a life insurance agent came to Nathan DeWall’s Lexington, Kentucky, home to weigh him, take his blood pressure and ask a litany of health- and life-related questions to predict when the 34-year-old would die. A...
Capgemini and Cloudera have created the new infographic below on how organizations can maximize their Big Data potential. Capgemini and Cloudera recently announced an extended partnership to help organizations accelerate their Big Data initiatives. As part of the...
Chief Data Scientist John Foreman will be presenting at Predictive Analytics World Boston (Oct 5 – 9) on “Problems, then Techniques, then Toys. Keeping Your Predictive Analytics Right-side Up.” When we think “data science,” most of the...