Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
Why You Must Twist Your Data Scientist’s Arm To Estimate AI’s Value
 Originally published in Forbes, June 11, 2024. If you’ve...
3 Ways Predictive AI Delivers More Value Than Generative AI
 Originally published in Forbes, March 4, 2024. Which kind...
AI Success Depends On How You Choose This One Number
 Originally published in Forbes, March 25, 2024. To do...
Elon Musk Predicts Artificial General Intelligence In 2 Years. Here’s Why That’s Hype
 Originally published in Forbes, April 10, 2024 When OpenAI’s...

Original Content

Wise Practitioner – Predictive Workforce Analytics Interview Series: Daniil Shash at Eleks

 In anticipation of his upcoming Predictive Analytics World for Workforce conference presentation, How Eleks is Building a Career Advisor Tool Based on Predictive Analytics, we interviewed Daniil Shash, Head of Data Science at Eleks. View the Q-and-A below to see how Daniil Shash has incorporated predictive analytics into the workforce of Eleks. Also, glimpse what’s in store for

The Information Age’s Latest Move: Four Predictive Analytics Developments for 2016

 Originally published in Big Think Prediction is in the cards—it is the Information Age’s latest evolutionary step. Here are four major developments you will experience in 2016 courtesy of predictive analytics: Consumer demand for predictive analytics will...

Why Do We Stop Asking Why?

 I’ve lived through this phenomenon first hand. The environment was new to me, sitting at my assigned seat at the cherry wood conference table for the weekly executive staff meeting. I was told very clearly that I...

Predictive Analytics and the Internet of Things

 As technology continues to empower our ability to conduct analytics with “Big Data”, the “Internet of Things” has arisen as an area where devices themselves capture and transmit data albeit machine-level type data. Let’s discuss some of...

Wise Practitioner – Predictive Analytics Interview Series: Mario Vinasco at Facebook

 In anticipation of his upcoming conference presentation, Advanced Experimentation in Social Networks at Predictive Analytics World San Francisco, April 3-7, 2016, we asked Mario Vinasco, Marketing Analytics Data Scientist at Facebook, a few questions about his work...

Wise Practitioner – Predictive Workforce Analytics Interview Series: Vishwa Kolla at John Hancock Insurance

 In anticipation of his upcoming Predictive Analytics World for Workforce conference presentation, Embedding Advanced Analytics into Acquiring, Nurturing and Retaining Talent, we interviewed Vishwa Kolla, AVP, Head of Advanced Analytics, at John Hancock Insurance. View the Q-and-A below to see...

In Predictive Analytics, Coefficients are Not the Same as Variable Influence, Part II

 In my last post, “Coefficients are not the same as variable influence”, I argued that coefficients in a linear regression model are useful but limited in answering the question, “which variables are most influential in model predictions?”...

Wise Practitioner – Predictive Workforce Analytics Interview Series: John Lee at Equifax Workforce Solutions

 In anticipation of his upcoming Predictive Analytics World for Workforce conference co-presentation, Using Predictive Analytics to Reduce Unemployment Insurance Costs, we interviewed John Lee, Statistical Consultant at Equifax Workforce Solutions. View the Q-and-A below to see how John Lee has incorporated...

Wise Practitioner – Predictive Analytics Interview Series: Peter Bull at DrivenData

 In anticipation of his upcoming conference presentation, Predicting Restaurant Violations via Yelp Reviews: Crowdsourcing for Social Good, at Predictive Analytics World San Francisco, April 3-7, 2016, we asked Peter Bull, Co-founder at DrivenData, a few questions about...

The “Predictive Analytics” FAQ — What’s New in the Updated Edition and Who’s The Book for?

 This is the preface to Eric Siegel’s newly-released Revised and Updated edition of Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die—available in paperback, e-book, and audiobook. This preface is also available as a...

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