Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
Why You Must Twist Your Data Scientist’s Arm To Estimate AI’s Value
 Originally published in Forbes, June 11, 2024. If you’ve...
3 Ways Predictive AI Delivers More Value Than Generative AI
 Originally published in Forbes, March 4, 2024. Which kind...
AI Success Depends On How You Choose This One Number
 Originally published in Forbes, March 25, 2024. To do...
Elon Musk Predicts Artificial General Intelligence In 2 Years. Here’s Why That’s Hype
 Originally published in Forbes, April 10, 2024 When OpenAI’s...

Original Content

Personalities That Are Barriers to Model Deployment (And How to Partner With Them) Part III: The Expert

 So you have gathered your data and completed your exploration and cleansing. You labored countless hours transforming the data and created a strong model that can revolutionize the way your company sees its clients, makes decisions and competes in your market. Yet for all of your efforts the model roll out is stalled. The numbers

Wise Practitioner – Predictive Workforce Analytics Interview Series: Kathy Doan at Wells Fargo Bank

 In anticipation of her upcoming Predictive Analytics World for Workforce conference presentation, Beyond Traditional Turnover Creating Value by Quantifying the Impact of Attrition, we interviewed Kathy Doan, Vice President, Community Banking HR Insights & Analysis Group at Wells Fargo Bank. View the...

Wise Practitioner – Predictive Workforce Analytics Interview Series: Jonathon Frampton at Baylor Scott & White Health

 In anticipation of his upcoming Predictive Analytics World for Workforce conference presentation, Visualizing Organizational Movement for Opportunity Identification, we interviewed Jonathon Frampton, Director, People Analytics & Reporting at Baylor Scott & White Health. View the Q-and-A below to see how...

Mobile Analytics-Mining the Visit Experience of the Customer

 Mobile technology as part of the Big Data discussion is enabling data miners/data scientists to conduct analytics on information on the customer’s experience within a given location which otherwise was unavailable up until a few years ago....

The Devil’s Data Dictionary – Making Fun of Big Data

 Buy it on Amazon When Stéphane Hamel coined the description of Big Data as ‘That which doesn’t fit in an Excel spreadsheet’, I realized it was well past time for the datarati to have some fun poked...

Wise Practitioner – Predictive Workforce Analytics Interview Series: Ben Waber of Humanyze

 In anticipation of his upcoming Predictive Analytics World for Workforce conference presentation, Using Wearables and Big Data to Reinvent Management, we interviewed Ben Waber, CEO at Humanyze.  View the Q-and-A below to see how Ben has incorporated predictive analytics into...

The Quest for Unicorns

 Will there be enough data scientists in the future? The question sounds like a subplot for a science fiction film, but it has received much attention over the past few years due to the forecast of a...

Most Swans are White: Living in a Predictive Society

 In anticipation of the forthcoming Revised and Updated, paperback edition of Eric Siegel’s Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die (coming January 6, 2016—preorder today), read here its Foreword by Thomas...

Hiring? Approving Mortgages? It’s the Same Thing

 Imagine that Chris wants to buy a house and needs a mortgage. He applies online and is sent an email by an intern asking to schedule time to discuss his interest. The intern conducts the initial screening...

Personalities That Are Barriers to Model Deployment (And How to Partner With Them) Part II: The Skeptic

 So you have gathered your data and completed your exploration and cleansing. You labored countless hours transforming the data and created a strong model that can revolutionize the way your company sees its clients, makes decisions and...

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