Give a marketer a sale, and you’ll keep his company afloat for a day; teach him to predict future sales, and you may just ensure his longevity. That, in essence, is the premise behind predictive marketing, a concept that’s increasingly taking hold in enterprises today. Tapping into the analytics trend that’s being felt throughout the
How can you use big data? Let’s break down that definition of big data shared above to uncover a few of the different ways your business can use big data: Improve customer relations. The more you know...
The primary goal of an organization’s clinical & business intelligence strategy is to improve outcomes while adapting to new care models. Data alone is like crude oil – the value is tied to its potential. In the...
Data scientists and chief data officers are the hot hire these days, and government agencies at all levels are working to get more out of their rapidly growing troves of data. Determining how to approach all that...
Talent management is one of the biggest challenges field service leaders face. Hiring and retaining the right employees, managing an aging workforce and training workers on emerging technologies are big tasks for any manager. But with predictive...
Wells Fargo uses predictive analytics to hire employees better able to meet its performance requirements and fit into its corporate culture. “Since its initial launch three years ago, the predictive analytics driven talent assessment solution has been...
How Talent Analytics™ helped a large financial services firm save more than $4 million a year “Employee churn can be massively expensive, and incremental improvements will give big results.” — Greta Roberts, co-founder and CEO of Talent...
Data mining expert lays out some useful tools and techniques from sentiment analysis to topic modeling and natural language processing There’s a proliferation of unstructured data on the Internet and coming into customer call centres. But manually...
What if your online social self could be used to predict whether or not you would be a good fit for a job, sparing job seekers and companies valuable time and money? What if your current job...
Top 5 Data Science Masters Programs
By: Sudhanshu Ahuja, CEO, Ideatory
Originally published at
Which top Masters Courses should you consider for a great career in data-science? A frequently cited study by McKinsey predicts that by 2018, the United States could face a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 “people with deep...