In today’s digital age, organizations expend a lot of effort to reach out to their customers digitally and enhance every touch point. Mobile technology, social media, cloud computing, embedded devices, big data and analytics have radically changed the nature of work and competition. As mentioned in my previous post, “Digital Consumer – A True Superman,”
For more from Gene Tange, see his presentation on Driving High Performance Business Outcomes Through Predictive Team Analytics at Predictive Analytics World for Workforce, March 29-April 2, 2015 in San Francisco. A SENIOR LINE EXECUTIVE in a...
For more case studies on Predictive Analytics and Manufacturing, check out PAW Manufacturing, June 8-11. 2015 in Chicago. Picture this: a shop floor manager sits, hunched over the desk. It’s late, long past the shift change but he’s...
It’s impossible to escape the terminology Big Data these days. It’s taken on faddish dimensions of popularity with various theories and ideas proposing the best way to tackle and manage the increasing amounts of information we generate...
What we’ve been told We’ve been told that Big Data is the greatest thing since sliced bread, and that its major characteristics are massive volumes (so great are they that mainstream relational products and technologies such as...
For more from Gene Pease, see his presentation on Predictive Analytics – What’s Next in 2015? at Predictive Analytics World for Workforce, March 29-April 2, 2015 in San Francisco. Organizations are increasingly relying on advanced analytics to...
We are in an exciting but early stage of unleashing the power of big data for overall improvements in standard of living and quality of life – healthcare stands to benefit greatly from a rigorous application of...
For more from James Taylor, see his presentation on Decision Modeling for Predictive Analytic Projects at Predictive Analytics World for Business, March 29-April 2, 2015 in San Francisco. Back in May of last year, Wayne Eckerson...
Imagine that you are a professional observer with a magic telescope. Like ordinary telescopes, it lets you see things that are far away, but this one is attached to a magic screen, so I can use it...
For more on healthcare applications of predictive analytics, attend Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare, September 27 – October 1, 2015 But new area of business intelligence does not come without challenges. Hospitals and health systems can be...