Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
Why You Must Twist Your Data Scientist’s Arm To Estimate AI’s Value
 Originally published in Forbes, June 11, 2024. If you’ve...
3 Ways Predictive AI Delivers More Value Than Generative AI
 Originally published in Forbes, March 4, 2024. Which kind...
AI Success Depends On How You Choose This One Number
 Originally published in Forbes, March 25, 2024. To do...
Elon Musk Predicts Artificial General Intelligence In 2 Years. Here’s Why That’s Hype
 Originally published in Forbes, April 10, 2024 When OpenAI’s...


The Right Data Can Sweeten Returns on Ad Investments

 All the data in the world won’t increase the return on your advertising expenses by itself, but some clever ideas from a San Francisco analytics conference might. In back-to-back presentations, attendees at Predictive Analytics World heard how to cut costs and increase output in today’s lightning fast online ad networks and how to gauge return

6 Blackjack Lessons to Improve Your Marketing Analytics

 The game of  blackjack offers six important lessons for managers trying to make sense of marketing data, according to the man who crunches the numbers for Orbitz Worldwide. Sameer Chopra, vice president of advanced analytics for the...

Breakthrough: How to Avert Analytics’ Most Treacherous Pitfall

 This article will make you feel better. And you do need to feel better, if you are one of the many of us who practice analytics—or who must consume and rely on analytics—and find ourselves carrying tension...

HR Should Hire ‘Scary’ Data People

 Too many people confuse reporting with analytics–and underinvest in making sure they are asking the right questions. Standard-issue reports about monthly employee turnover rates and average compensation per employee are important glances in the rearview mirror. But...

Amazon Knows What You Want Before You Buy It

 Anticipatory shipping may be closest that retail can come to a crystal ball. Amazon, which now has a patent for the algorithm-based system, could conceivably use the system to ship products before you even place an order....

Big predictions for Big Data for community banks

 Department store conglomerate Target Brands Inc. knows when its female customers are pregnant long before they start buying cribs. Google Inc. was able to track the H1N1 flu in real-time using Internet search queries when the government...

Talent Analytics Isn’t Enough

   Was 2013 the Year of Talent Analytics? I think it’s safe to say that “2013 was the year of talent analytics”. Global discussions about talent analytics, as a concept, have certainly been great for our brand,...

“Data Scientist” catches “Statistician”, surpasses “Data Miner”

 The rapidly rising term “Data Scientist” caught up with “Statistician” and surpassed “Data Miner” on Google Trends. However, Statistics remains a lot more popular than “Data Science”, which begs the question: What do Data Scientists do? Clearly,...

Data Science Wars: Python vs. R

 As I frequently travel in data science circles, I’m hearing more and more about a new kind of tech war: Python vs. R. I’ve lived through many tech wars in the past, e.g. Windows vs. Linux, iPhone...

3 Ways That Predictive Analytics Help Travel Companies Improve Planning

 While heaps of big data exist in the travel sector – from how seasonality affects bookings to the types of travel packages that receive the highest conversion rates among consumers – leveraging some of the more unstructured...

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