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  • May 7, 2013
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11 years ago
INFORMS Launches Analytics Certification; Offers Membership Discount

InformsINFORMS is the largest professional society in the world for analytics, operations research (O.R.), and the management sciences. INFORMS is pleased to offer all readers of PA Times 25% off the INFORMS regular membership rate. Click here to learn about great member benefits and CLICK HERE TO JOIN. Mention promocode PAWATTENDEE to claim your 25% discount on membership.

INFORMS also now offers analytics certification. Be among the first to earn the prestigious CAP™ designation. Exams are coming to Chicago on June 23; McLean, Virginia, on July 13; Seattle, Washington, on August 3; and at our very own Predictive Analytics World – Boston on October 3. Do you have what it takes to become a CAP™? Thirty–eight professionals have separated themselves by earning it already. Go to to learn more.

Predictive Analytics World is a supporter of INFORMS Certified Analytics Professional (CAP™) program.

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