Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
The Rise Of Large Database Models
 Originally published in Forbes Even as large language models have...
3 Predictions For Predictive AI In 2025
 Originally published in Forbes GenAI’s complementary sibling, predictive AI, makes...
The Quant’s Dilemma: Subjectivity In Predictive AI’s Value
 Originally published in Forbes This is the third of a...
To Deploy Predictive AI, You Must Navigate These Tradeoffs
 Originally published in Forbes This is the second of a...

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Training Self-Driving Cars for $1 An Hour

 Originally published in, Aug 3, 2021. To master the roads, autonomous vehicles need lots of data. Workers everywhere from Kenya to Venezuela are providing it. Every day for over four years, Ramses woke up in his home in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, turned on his computer, and began labeling images that will help make self-driving cars

Researchers: Instagram ‘Bullied’ Us Into Halting Algorithmic Research

 Originally published in Gizmodo, Aug 13, 2021. For the second week in a row, Facebook killed a project meant to shed light on its practices. A Berlin-based nonprofit studying the ways in which Instagram’s algorithm presents content...

Hateful Memes Challenge Winners

 Originally published in Facebook AI, Dec 11, 2020. AI has made progress in detecting hate speech, but important and difficult technical challenges remain. Back in May 2020, Facebook AI partnered with Getty Images and DrivenData to launch...

Transitions: Predicting The Next Event

 Models predicting the potential spread of the COVID-19 pandemic have become a fixture of American life. Many of these models use typical demographic data, coupled with underlying medical conditions, infection rates, etc. Indeed, the spread of this...

Traffic Prediction With Advanced Graph Neural Networks

  By partnering with Google, DeepMind is able to bring the benefits of AI to billions of people all over the world.  From reuniting a speech-impaired user with his original voice, to helping users discover personalised apps,...

Machine Learning is Transforming Modern Healthcare

 The pandemic has propelled the adoption of innovation and technology in healthcare. Telemedicine visits have spiked as more providers embrace new digital front doors to the healthcare system. Among the technologies fueling innovation in the healthcare sector,...

An Algorithm That ‘Predicts’ Criminality Based on a Face Sparks a Furor

 Originally published in, June 24, 2020 Its creators said they could use facial analysis to determine if someone would become a criminal. Critics said the work recalled debunked “race science.” In early May, a press release...

Feature Engineering vs. Machine Learning in Optimizing Customer Behavior

 The debate on this topic is not a new one. What is the secret sauce in yielding improved modelling performance?  Is it the inputs, features or variables of a given predictive model or is it the specific...

Automation and Its Impact on Predictive Analytics – The Increasing Importance of the Hybrid-Part 3

 In my last article, I discussed the increasing impact of automation and its actual impact in creating the analytical file. As any data scientist knows, this component or stage of the data science process can typically represent...

How HBO’s Silicon Valley Built “Not Hotdog” with Mobile TensorFlow, Keras & React Native

 Originally published in Hacker Noon, June 26, 2017 The HBO show Silicon Valley released a real AI app that identifies hotdogs — and not hotdogs — like the one shown on season 4’s 4th episode (the app is now available on Android as well as...

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