We ask five industry experts including heads of marketing and big data analytics to share their tips on how to get your team and organisation behind data analytics For the few stragglers who haven’t managed to be swept up in the data revolution, industry research and results point to data-driven marketing being THE way forward
See also the very-similarly entitled prior article the Predictive Analytics Times executive editor Eric Siegel, “The Greatest Power of Big Data: Predictive Analytics.“ There’s hardly an article, news story, webinar, or whitepaper these days that talks about...
The Big Data market is on the verge of a new era, with information becoming more accessible through a combination of self-service capabilities and advanced visualization features. Edd Dumbill, the vice president of strategy for Silicon Valley...
Albert Einstein once said, “The only real valuable thing is intuition.” While nobody can deny Einstein’s supreme intellect, I must respectfully disagree. Instinct is invaluable in many aspects of life, but I have learned throughout my career...
Experts believe our collection of Big Data will double every two years until 2020. Much of those digital artifacts come from people like you and me as we “Like” things on Facebook, buy books over the web, post...
However, the seventh installment of the company’s Property & Casualty Claim Officer Survey indicates that use of these technologies is on the rise. Despite many months of commentary indicating the value of predictive analytics in claims, the...
The 1 million-member National Association of Realtors launched a new predictive analytics department today with the rehire of industry veteran Todd Carpenter. NAR first hired Carpenter to manage its online and social media presence in February 2009. In April...
Predictive Analytics Is Red Hot Why? What organization couldn’t benefit from making better decisions? Just ask the Obama campaign, which used sophisticated uplift modeling to target and influence swing voters. Or telecom firms that use predictive analytics...
Michael Berry is taking a stand against the big data hype. More data, said the analytics director for travel website TripAdvisor, doesn’t always mean better business results. Case in point: big data and predictive analytics. “Many predictive...