Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
Why You Must Twist Your Data Scientist’s Arm To Estimate AI’s Value
 Originally published in Forbes, June 11, 2024. If you’ve...
3 Ways Predictive AI Delivers More Value Than Generative AI
 Originally published in Forbes, March 4, 2024. Which kind...
AI Success Depends On How You Choose This One Number
 Originally published in Forbes, March 25, 2024. To do...
Elon Musk Predicts Artificial General Intelligence In 2 Years. Here’s Why That’s Hype
 Originally published in Forbes, April 10, 2024 When OpenAI’s...

data analytics

Dr. Data Show Video: What the Hell Does “Data Science” Really Mean?

 Watch the latest episode of The Dr. Data Show, which answers the question, “What the hell do data science and big data really mean?” About the Dr. Data Show. This new web series breaks the mold for data science infotainment, captivating the planet with short webisodes that cover the very best of machine learning and

Data Reliability and Validity, Redux: Do Your CIO and Data Curators Really Understand the Concepts?

 Here are two recent entries on the big but neglected issue of data reliability and analytic validity (DR&AV), from the vast commentariat that is LinkedIn: One of my complaints with hashtag#bigdata, is there isn’t enough focus on...

Data-Driven Decisions for Law Enforcement in Toronto

 For today’s leading deep learning methods and technology, attend the conference and training workshops at Predictive Analytics World for Government, Sept 17-21, 2018 in Washington, DC. Data-driven decisions for law enforcement are not new and have been used...

Analytics Assessment: A Blueprint for Effective Analytics Programs

  If you are like me, when you first heard of analytics and its ability to benefit businesses, non-profits, and government agencies, you felt invigorated and excited, having to hold back the urge to shout “Charge!”  As...

Why Your Analytics Must Ask the Data “Good” Questions — Ones that Reduce Data

 The problem of monetizing Big Data, or improving its usefulness in decision-making, stands out in every forward-looking organization today. To solve it, as everyone knows by now, it is not enough to store or manage it. We...

Automation and Its Impact on Predictive Analytics – The Increasing Importance of the Hybrid-Part 3

 In my last article, I discussed the increasing impact of automation and its actual impact in creating the analytical file. As any data scientist knows, this component or stage of the data science process can typically represent...

Improved Customer Marketing with Multiple Models

 Data miners employ a variety of techniques to develop robust predictive models. Often, our analysts are confronted with a dilemma. Should we construct one model to address the business objective? Or perhaps, multiple models may be in...

Wise Practitioner – Predictive Analytics Interview Series: Leslie Barrett at Bloomberg L.P.

 In anticipation of her upcoming conference presentation, Crowd-Sourcing and Quality: How To Get The Best Out of Hand-Tagged Training Data for Machine Learning Models at Predictive Analytics World for Business New York, Oct 29-Nov 2, 2017, we...

Uncle Sam Wants Your Deep Neural Networks

   Originally published in NYTimes, June 22, 2017 SAN FRANCISCO — The Department of Homeland Security is turning to data scientists to improve screening techniques at airports. On Thursday, the department, working with Google, introduced a $1.5 million contest to build computer...

Uplift Modeling: Making Predictive Models Actionable

 Predictive models typically estimate the likelihood of future events, such as whether it will rain tomorrow or which customers are most likely to “churn” by cancelling their phone contract.  In the case of the weather, we do...

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