Originally published in Amazon Science, Aug 26, 2022. Spliced binned-Pareto distributions are flexible enough to handle symmetric, asymmetric, and multimodal distributions, offering a more consistent metric. When football fans evaluate a player’s performance, they measure the player’s execution of specific plays against an innate sense of the player’s potential. Trying to encode such judgments into
Originally posted on Replit.com, Sept 21, 2022. Large Language Models (LLMs) are known for their near-magical ability to learn from very few examples — as little as zero — to create language wonders. LLMs can chat, write...
Originally published in Noema, Aug 23, 2022. When a Google engineer recently declared Google’s AI chatbot a person, pandemonium ensued. The chatbot, LaMDA, is a large language model (LLM) that is designed to predict the likely next...
Originally published in Mozilla Hacks, July 9, 2022. A browser is an incredibly complex piece of software. With such enormous complexity, the only way to maintain a rapid pace of development is through an extensive CI system that can...
Originally published in NYT Open, Aug 10, 2022. The New York Times launched its paywall in March 2011, beginning its journey as a subscription-first news and lifestyle service. Since its inception, this “metered” access service has been...
Originally published in Scientific American, June 6, 2022. A close look reveals that the newest systems, including DeepMind’s much-hyped Gato, are still stymied by the same old problems. To the average person, it must seem as if...