Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
The Quant’s Dilemma: Subjectivity In Predictive AI’s Value
 Originally published in Forbes This is the third of a...
To Deploy Predictive AI, You Must Navigate These Tradeoffs
 Originally published in Forbes This is the second of a...
Data Analytics in Higher Education
 Universities confront many of the same marketing challenges as...
How Generative AI Helps Predictive AI
 Originally published in Forbes, August 21, 2024 This is the...

Predictive Analytics

AnalyticOps: A New Organizational Role So Your Company Can Monetize Analytics

 There is no doubt that data science–and predictive analytics– are the next wave of investments aimed to create significant improvements to corporate bottom lines. With the advent of new capabilities, however, generally comes a commensurate amount of complexity and challenge. In the new era of analytics, many companies struggle to properly connect three key divisions:

Wise Practitioner – Predictive Analytics Interview Series: Gary Neights at Elemica

 In anticipation of his upcoming conference presentation, Predicting Behavior in Chemical Industry Supply Chains, at Predictive Analytics World New York, October 23-27, 2016, we asked Gary Neights, Senior Director at Elemica, a few questions about his work...

Getting Started with Predictive Analytics – an Interview with Eric Siegel

 Data science and predictive analytics are top of mind – but how do you get started? I had the chance to interview Eric Siegel, founder of Predictive Analytics World, the leading conference series, and author of the...

Wise Practitioner – Predictive Analytics Interview Series: Dr. Sarmila Basu at Microsoft Corporation

 In anticipation of her upcoming conference presentation, Predictive & Prescriptive Analytics Helps Keep Kids in School at Predictive Analytics World London, October 12-13, 2016, we asked Dr. Sarmila Basu, Senior Director, Data & Decision Sciences Group at...

Are Pre-hire Talent Assessments Part of a Predictive Talent Acquisition Strategy?

  Over the past 30+ years, businesses have spent billions on talent assessments. Many of these are now being used to understand job candidates. Increasingly, businesses are asking how (or if) a predictive talent acquisition strategy can...

Wise Practitioner – Predictive Analytics Interview Series: Dae Park and Vijay D’Souza at Government Accountability Office (GAO)

 In anticipation of their upcoming conference co-presentation, Characteristics for Those Claiming Social Security Benefits Early, at Predictive Analytics World for Government, October 17-20, 2016, we asked Dae Park, Assistant Director at Government Accountability Office (GAO), and Vijay...

Predictive Analytics World Founder Eric Siegel Joins DMWay Analytics Advisory Board

 DMWay Analytics, leading innovator of predictive analytics automation solutions, announced today that Eric Siegel, one of the top 10 data science thought leaders, will serve as an advisory board member. Eric Siegel and Gil Nizri at the...

Wise Practitioner – Predictive Analytics Interview Series: Dean Abbott of SmarterHQ

 In anticipation of his upcoming conference presentation, The Revolution in Retail Customer Intelligence, at Predictive Analytics World New York, October 23-27, 2016, we asked Dean Abbott, Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist of SmarterHQ, a few questions about...

Opportunities and Challenges: Predictive Analytics for IoT

 There is a clear sense in the marketplace today that for the internet of things (IoT) to realize its true potential as the next-big-thing, analytics is going to be critical. After all what is the purpose of connecting...

Feature Engineering Within the Predictive Analytics Process — Part Two

 In the last article, I discussed the concept of feature engineering as comprising two components with the first component being the ability to create and derive meaningful variables in the analytical file which is used as the...

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