Predictive Analytics
In anticipation of his upcoming keynote conference presentation, Buy or Wait? How the Bunny Predicts When to Buy Your Plane Ticket, at Predictive Analytics World San Francisco, April 3-7, 2016, we asked Dr. Patrick Surry, Chief Data Scientist at Hopper, a few questions about his work in predictive analytics. Q: In your work with predictive
Customer Retention models are arguably the most valuable models that organizations can develop in improving overall customer profitability. The ability to target high value customers who are most likely to defect or become inactive allows organizations to...
Traditional business intelligence (and data mining) software does a very good job of showing you where you’ve been. By contrast, predictive analytics uses data patterns to make forward-looking predictions that guide you to where you should go...
In anticipation of his upcoming conference presentation, Predicting the Extent and Cost of Online Attacks to Help Sell Security Software, at Predictive Analytics World San Francisco, April 3-7, 2016, we asked Lawrence Cowan, Partner at Cicero Group,...
In anticipation of her upcoming conference presentation, Driving the Omnichannel Experience with Predictive Analytics at Predictive Analytics World San Francisco, April 3-7, 2016, we asked Rebecca Pang, Senior Director, Channel Strategy & Analytics at CIBC, a few...
Our work focuses on using predictive analytics to decrease employee turnover or increase employee performance. We work with our customers to define the problem to solve, and then together identify useful data inputs to include in predictive...
Originally published in Big Think Prediction is in the cards—it is the Information Age’s latest evolutionary step. Here are four major developments you will experience in 2016 courtesy of predictive analytics: Consumer demand for predictive analytics will...
PayPal is using advanced predictive data analysis to help protect its users from fraud and preserve the service’s brand. Constant evolution is the key to PayPal’s success. Scam artists continually find new ways to defraud unsuspecting people,...
As technology continues to empower our ability to conduct analytics with “Big Data”, the “Internet of Things” has arisen as an area where devices themselves capture and transmit data albeit machine-level type data. Let’s discuss some of...
In anticipation of his upcoming conference presentation, Advanced Experimentation in Social Networks at Predictive Analytics World San Francisco, April 3-7, 2016, we asked Mario Vinasco, Marketing Analytics Data Scientist at Facebook, a few questions about his work...