Predictive Analytics
By: Rodd Wagner, Best-selling Author & Confidential Adviser to Business and Government Leaders
Originally published
Largely unnoticed by their targets, the human resources departments of large corporations are beginning to gather spy-agency-quality intelligence on their current and future employees. The hottest topic in human resources is “predictive analytics,” synthesizing a worker’s traits and behaviors to estimate how he or she will perform in the future. No one knows exactly where unleashing
In my last post, “Coefficients are not the same as variable influence”, I argued that coefficients in a linear regression model are useful but limited in answering the question, “which variables are most influential in model predictions?”...
In anticipation of his upcoming Predictive Analytics World for Workforce conference co-presentation, Using Predictive Analytics to Reduce Unemployment Insurance Costs, we interviewed John Lee, Statistical Consultant at Equifax Workforce Solutions. View the Q-and-A below to see how John Lee has incorporated...
In anticipation of his upcoming conference presentation, Predicting Restaurant Violations via Yelp Reviews: Crowdsourcing for Social Good, at Predictive Analytics World San Francisco, April 3-7, 2016, we asked Peter Bull, Co-founder at DrivenData, a few questions about...
This is the preface to Eric Siegel’s newly-released Revised and Updated edition of Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die—available in paperback, e-book, and audiobook. This preface is also available as a...
Would skipping breakfast kill you? Not necessarily—but confusing correlation and causation might. Find out why in this article, originally published in Quartz and adapted from Eric Siegel’s recently-released Revised and Updated, edition of Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who...
Historically, data and analytics have been key to the success of manufacturing. The biggest contributor to the success of the 100+ year old assembly line technology was the development of interchangeable parts. Clearly, data was central to...
In anticipation of his upcoming conference presentation, Predictive Sales Targeting in the Energy Industry, at Predictive Analytics World San Francisco, April 3-7, 2016, we asked Nate Watson, President at Contemporary Analysis, a few questions about his work...
Here is the Hands-On Guide that appears at the end the Revised and Updated paperback edition of Eric Siegel’s Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die. Although the book Predictive Analytics...
“Never confuse education with intelligence.” – Author unknown Also, never confuse big data with business intelligence; it is only when big data and business intelligence are well and truly integrated in a single process that you get...