Machine Learning Times
Machine Learning Times
The Rise Of Large Database Models
 Originally published in Forbes Even as large language models have...
3 Predictions For Predictive AI In 2025
 Originally published in Forbes GenAI’s complementary sibling, predictive AI, makes...
The Quant’s Dilemma: Subjectivity In Predictive AI’s Value
 Originally published in Forbes This is the third of a...
To Deploy Predictive AI, You Must Navigate These Tradeoffs
 Originally published in Forbes This is the second of a...

Predictive Analytics


3 Ways That Predictive Analytics Help Travel Companies Improve Planning

 While heaps of big data exist in the travel sector – from how seasonality affects bookings to the types of travel packages that receive the highest conversion rates among consumers – leveraging some of the more unstructured streams into effective predictive modeling can be a challenge. Increasing profitability in this complex industry requires significant legwork

How to win your marketing team over to the data side

 We ask five industry experts including heads of marketing and big data analytics to share their tips on how to get your team and organisation behind data analytics For the few stragglers who haven’t managed to be...

Data Repurposing: The Underpinning of Predictive Analytics?

 C-suite executives are at once enamored and afraid of big data. The notion of information created moment-to-moment and with every action of a company hints at massive analytics opportunity, but it can seem simultaneously overwhelming. Increasingly, IT...

The Privacy Pickle: Hewlett-Packard’s Prediction of Employee Behavior

 Hewlett-Packard (HP) knows there are two sides to every coin. The company has achieved new power by predicting employee behavior, a profitable practice that may raise eyebrows among some of its staff. HP tags its more than...

The Care and Feeding of Data Scientists

 CIOs must encourage data scientists to solve real business problems, not just play with data. As more organizations hire data scientists–especially for predictive analytics projects–IT leaders are discovering that managing people who can turn data into ideas...

It’s Predictive Analytics, not Forecasting!

 This is my final article for this year. It’s hard to imagine that it’s almost 2014, and yet I can’t tell you how many times I’ve found myself in the following situation: I meet someone at a...

Big Data’s Greatest Power: Predictive Analytics

 See also the very-similarly entitled prior article the Predictive Analytics Times executive editor Eric Siegel, “The Greatest Power of Big Data: Predictive Analytics.“ There’s hardly an article, news story, webinar, or whitepaper these days that talks about...

Use of Predictive Models Widespread in P/C Insurance: Survey

 A survey of North American insurance professionals reveals widespread use of predictive analytics in the property/casualty insurance industry, with as many as 82 percent responding that they use predictive modeling in one or more lines. Earnix, a...

How uplift modeling helped Obama’s campaign — and can aid marketers

 The Obama campaign’s Daniel Porter will be presenting on his work with uplift modeling at PAW San Francisco (March 2014) and PAW Chicago (June 2014). Watch the interview with the Obama campaign’s Daniel Porter. How uplift modeling...

Predictive Analytics: Understanding Customers and Boosting Business

 As buyer behavior is in a constant state of flux, understanding customers can feel as overwhelming as understanding the opposite sex.  While there is no “Businesses Are From Mars, Customers Are From Venus” book to simplify everything,...

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