Originally published in Raconteur, Dec 10, 2020. From facial recognition technology that monitors brown bear populations, to intelligent robots sorting recycling, these initiatives are having a positive impact on the environment. 1. Conserving species The Living Planet Index produced by WWF estimates that wildlife population sizes have dropped by 68 per cent since 1970. The
HR technology has hit two critical tipping points this year: more than half of companies are now hosting their human resources management system on the cloud, and more than 60 percent of companies now use mobile for...
In their best-selling 2013 book Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live, Work and Think, authors Viktor Mayer-Schönberger and Kenneth Cukier selected Google Flu Trends (GFT) as the lede of chapter one. They explained...
The technology-customer centricity-profitability linkage emerges Every year Gartner comes out with a fascinating graph detailing the “hype cycle” of scores of new technologies, plotting them on a time curve that traces them through various stages, starting...
If we were able to predict the future, we would be able read the minds of our customers and know exactly what they wanted. The closest we can get to this supernatural ability is utilizing predictive analytics...
It’s getting difficult to pick up a business magazine, attend a conference or even walk through an airport terminal without encountering the topics of Big Data and analytics. Everyone from IT companies to phone carriers seems to...