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1 year ago
Take the 2023 Rexer Analytics Data Science Survey Now


Rexer Analytics and Machine Learning Week launch 2023 Data Science Survey

‍Rexer Analytics has partnered with Eric Siegel and his Machine Learning Week organization to launch the 2023 Data Science Survey. Analytic professionals of all types are invited to participate.

Participate now!

Note:  At the end of the survey, you can optionally provide your email address to later receive the survey’s results.  

We are excited to work with this new partner to design, promote, and analyze this year’s survey. Eric Siegel brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this survey partnership.  He wrote the bestselling book Predictive Analytics, is Executive Editor of The Machine Learning Times, founded the very popular conference series “Predictive Analytics World” (now rebranded as Machine Learning Week), has delivered 100+ keynote presentations, and is currently a Visiting Professor in Analytics at the UVA Darden School of Business.

This year’s survey marks the 10th survey in an ongoing research program that began in 2007. It is the most comprehensive survey in the field. Each Data Science Survey examines the analytic behaviors, views, and preferences of analytic professionals. Typically, over 1,100 people globally have participated in each Data Science Survey. We enjoy sharing the results of each survey, and we have been very pleased with everyone’s positive reactions to the surveys over the years. Karl Rexer and Eric Siegel will present preliminary highlights of the 2023 survey results at the Machine Learning Week conference in Las Vegas, June 2023, and their presentation will be posted online shortly afterwards. A full summary report will be available for download from the Rexer Analytics website later in 2023. Summary reports for all previous surveys are available for free download now.

Take the Rexer Analytics Data Science Survey now.

6 thoughts on “Take the 2023 Rexer Analytics Data Science Survey Now

  1. It’s an exciting time for data enthusiasts as Rexer Analytics joins forces with Eric Siegel and the Machine Learning Week organization to unveil fnaf the 2023 Data Science Survey. This survey is open to analytic professionals of all backgrounds, and your participation is highly encouraged.


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