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Predictive Analytics Times Executive Breakfast

Details currently being confirmed. Check back soon.

PATimes Executive Breakfast
Join Eric Siegel, founder of Predictive Analytics World, for an eye-opening executive breakfast — witness an accessible, concrete overview of how predictive analytics drives actionable value.

Date: TBD
Location: Marriott Marquis San Francisco

Who Should Attend:
Executives and senior leaders responsible for making value from data

Why Attend:
To discover how predictive analytics works, and the ways in which it delivers value to organizations across industry sectors. To build relationships with peers, leverage their insights, follow their progress and share your saga.

Read the Q/A with Eric Siegel: Guiding Executives on Predictive Analytics

8:00am Registration Opens
8:00-8:30am Breakfast
8:30-9:15am Breakfast and Keynote Presentation:
Predictive Analytics: Five Ways It Generates Value
Speaker: Eric Siegel , founder, Predictive Analytics World

The excitement over “big data” has grown dramatically. But what is the value, the function, the purpose? The most actionable win to be gained from data is prediction. This is achieved by analytically learning from data how to render predictions for each individual. Such predictions drive more effectively the millions of operational decisions that organizations make every day. In this keynote, Predictive Analytics World founder and Predictive Analytics author Eric Siegel reveals how predictive analytics works, and covers five ways in which it delivers value to organizations across industry sectors.

9:15-9:40am Sponsor Presentation
9:40-9:45am Break
9:45-11:00am Roundtable Discussions, Networking & Book Signing
11:00am-12:15pm Access the full exposition hall of Predictive Analytics World
PAW Business, PAW Financial and PAW Healthcare are the leading industry-wide events, co-located with this Executive Breakfast. If you would like to access the speaker sessions of one or more of these three events (April 3-7), in addition to their exposition hall, a separate paid registration is required.
12:15- 1:15pm Lunch at Predictive Analytics World is also included


PAW PAW Workforce

This Breakfast is conveniently co-located with Predictive Analytics World Business and PAW Workforce and includes complimentary access to these events’ exposition hall.

Attendees receive a complimentary copy of Eric Siegel’s acclaimed book, Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die.

Littered with lively examples.
— The Financial Times

A mesmerizing and fascinating study.
— The Seattle Post-Intelligencer


About the speaker:
Eric Siegel, Ph.D., founder of Predictive Analytics World and Text Analytics World, and Executive Editor of the Predictive Analytics Times, makes the how and why of predictive analytics understandable and captivating. In addition to being the author of bestselling and award-winning Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die, Eric is a former Columbia University professor who used to sing to his students, and a renowned speaker, educator, and leader in the field. He has appeared on Bloomberg TV and Radio, Fox News, BNN (Canada), Israel National Radio, Radio National (Australia), The Street, Newsmax TV, and NPR affiliates. Eric and his book have been featured in Businessweek, CBS MoneyWatch, The Financial Times, Forbes, Forrester, Fortune, The Huffington Post, Newsweek, The New York Times, The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and WSJ MarketWatch.

Submit Request to Attend This Event:
Attendance at the Predictive Analytics Times Executive Breakfast is limited to qualified professionals, including those at the VP-level or above. Please complete the following form to submit your credentials and request an invitation. Note that Executive Breakfast attendees also receive complimentary access to the Predictive Analytics World exposition hall, but must be a paid registrant at PAW in order to attend the complete two-day program of sessions at the PAW conference (click here to register for PAW).

The president of Prediction Impact, Inc., author of the acclaimed book, Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die, Executive Editor of the Predictive Analytics Times, and the founder of Predictive Analytics World and Text Analytics World, Eric Siegel is an expert in predictive analytics and data mining and a former computer science professor at Columbia University, where he won the engineering school’s award for teaching, including graduate-level courses in machine learning and intelligent systems – the academic terms for predictive analytics. After Columbia, Dr. Siegel co-founded two software companies for customer profiling and data mining, and then started Prediction Impact in 2003, providing predictive analytics services and training to mid-tier through Fortune 100 companies.

Dr. Siegel is the instructor of the acclaimed online training program, Predictive Analytics Applied. He has published over 20 papers and articles in data mining research and computer science education and has served on 10 conference program committees.