Thanks for attending Predictive Analytics World Toronto 2014,
we can't wait to see you again in 2016.
Even though the conference is over, doesn't mean the networking is. Follow the hashtag #PAWCon to stay connected.
Predictive Analytics World, May 12-15, 2014 in Toronto is packed with the top predictive analytics experts, practitioners, authors and business thought leaders including keynote speakers:
Richard Boire Founding Partner Boire Filler Group The Data Scientist and Value Architect: The People Factor to Success in Predictive Analytics |
Daniel Porter Director of Statistical Modeling Obama for America Pinpointing the Persuadables: Convincing the Right Customers and the Right Voters |
Dr. John Elder CEO & Founder Elder Research, Inc. The Peril of Vast Search (and How Target Shuffling Can Save Science) |
Greta Roberts CEO Talent Analytics, Corp. Using Predictive Analytics to Predict Employee Performance and Attrition in the Knowledge Economy |
Predictive Analytics World focuses on concrete examples of deployed predictive analytics. Hear from the horse's mouth precisely how Fortune 500 analytics competitors and other top practitioners deploy predictive modeling, and what kind of business impact it delivers. Click here to view the agenda at a glance.
PAW's Toronto 2014 program features over 20 sessions with case studies across 2 tracks: 1) All Audiences and 2) Expert/Practitioner so you can witness how predictive analytics is applied at leading enterprises such as:
- A Call Centre Company
- A Liquor Retailer
- A Retailer
PAW Toronto's agenda covers hot topics and advanced methods and applications such as persuasion/uplift modeling, risk analytics, human resource analytics and employee retention, safety analytics, data cleansing, e-mail marketing analytics, sales analytics, the use of analytics to optimize customer spend and improve customer satisfaction, operational analytics, behavioral modeling, retail analytics, and other innovative applications that benefit organizations in new and creative ways.
Join PAW and access the best keynotes, sessions, workshops, exposition, expert panel, live demos, networking coffee breaks, reception, birds-of-a-feather lunches, brand-name enterprise leaders, and industry heavyweights in the business.