Professional Videos from Author Eric Siegel
(See also Eric's unprofessional geek rap video)National Geographic Breakthrough:
Full episode ($2.00 paywall)
Big Think:
Talks at Google - The AI Playbook:
Machine learning in 20 Seconds:
Access the three-course series
On AI Hype - why it isn't becoming superintelligence:
Access Eric's complete video series on AI hype
Keynote at Databricks:
Watch more sample keynote videos: Accelerate (Park City), Digital Marketing Summit (Seoul), Brand ManageCamp (Vegas), APHSA (Orlando).
Eric Siegel is available for select lectures
Harvard Business Review - interview:
Keynote - seven minute sample (Cape Town):
See also:
- Full 26-minute version of the above (Cape Town's Mammoth BI)
- Keynote: The Persuasion Effect (Predictive Analytics World)
Eric Siegel is available for select lectures
Bloomberg TV - Predictive Analytics in Four Minutes:
Click here for a Bloomberg radio interview
Click here for a partial retraction regarding the Chase example mentioned
News interview on pregnancy prediction:
Click here for more info, the inside scoop from Eric Siegel
Interview on TheStreet:
Big Think - Overview:
Big Think - An Intelligent Machine:
Pre-Keynote Restaurant Conference Interview. 2018:
Interview - Why is predictive analytics important, did Nate Silver use it, is it a "big data" thing, and more:
Isn't it impossible?
Is it a big data thing?
Did Nate Silver use it?
Does it invade privacy?
What're the hot trends?
What's the coolest thing?
Uplift modeling - predicting not behavior but, rather, predicting whether behavior is influencable:
See also this article on uplift modeling by Eric Siegel
Forrester - where are we in predictive analytics' adoption?
Forrester - persuasion modeling for Obama and for marketing:
Forrester - Will privacy concerns stunt the power of predictive analytics?
Does predictive analytics only serve corporations, or is it of value to us as consumers as well?
Ad for Immortal Conquest Video Game
Interview on Israel National Radio:
Interview on Carpe Datum Rx:
Opening intro for a University of California course (120k views):
UC Irvine interviews Eric Siegel about the book's updated edition: