Predictive Analytics
Color Book Insert — 182 Mini-Case Studies

Predictive Analytics' color insert: A cross-industry compendium of 182 mini-case studies in predictive analytics, divided by industry group

Examples of Predictive Analytics — A cross-industry compendium of 182 mini-case studies in predictive analytics, divided into these industry groups:

  • Family and Personal Life
  • Marketing, Advertising, and the Web
  • Financial Risk and Insurance
  • Healthcare
  • Law Enforcement and Fraud Detection
  • Fault Detection, Safety, and Logistical Efficiency
  • Government, Politics, Nonprofit, and Education
  • Human Language Understanding, Thought, and Psychology
  • Workforce: Staff and Employees

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Predictive Analytics: The Power to Predict Who Will Click, Buy, Lie, or Die

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Praise for the Book:

"A mesmerizing and fascinating study."

— The Seattle Post-Intelligencer

"This is Moneyball for business, government, and healthcare."

— Jim Sterne, founder, eMetrics Summit; chairman, Digital Analytics Association

"Simultaneously entertaining, informative, and nuanced. Siegel goes behind the hype and makes the science exciting."

— Rayid Ghani, Chief Data Scientist, Obama for America 2012 Campaign

"Predictive Analytics is not only a deeply informative dive into a topic that is critical to virtually every sector of business today, it is also a delight to read."

— Geoffrey Moore, author, Crossing the Chasm

"The Freakonomics of big data."

— Stein Kretsinger, founding executive of; former lead analyst at Capital One

"The future is right now — you're living in it. Read this book to gain understanding of where we are and where we're headed."

— Roger Craig, record-breaking analytical Jeopardy! champion; CEO, Cotinga

"Littered with lively examples..."

— The Financial Times

"Siegel is a capable and passionate spokesman with a compelling vision..."

— Analytics Magazine

"A must read for the normal lay person..."

— Journal of Marketing Analytics

"A clear and compelling explanation of the power of predictive analytics, and how it can transform companies and even industries."

— Anthony Goldbloom, Founder and CEO,

"Both sophisticated and fully accessible to the non-quantitative reader. It's got great stories, great illustrations, and an entertaining tone."

— From the book's foreword by Thomas H. Davenport, coauthor, Competing on Analytics

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