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Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare Speaker Center

Let Your Contacts Know You're Speaking at Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare

Thank you for agreeing to speak at Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare! We are excited to have you join us and want to make sure that being a speaker is a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

We know that speaking at a conference can be challenging. As a speaker, you need to be focused on making your sessions engaging and thought-provoking for the attendees. In order to attract more attendees to your session, we have put together a series of materials that you can use to help spread the word.

The information provided below is meant to assist you in promoting your presence as a speaker at Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare to your network of friends and colleagues. If you have any other questions specifically regarding your speaker guidelines, contract or hotel accommodations, you may contact Amanda Smith at .

Here are several ways you can quickly and easily reach your Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare audience:

Remember that you can always think outside of the box for other communication avenues that may better suit your audience.

Your email list is sure to contain a number of people who are itching to hear you speak. These people may want to come to your session at Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare, but are unaware of the event. If you are interested in sending a personalized email containing a special Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare discount code to your contact list, please let us know and we will create a customized HTML that you can send to your communities.

Interested? Email Crystal Prag at to request your custom email HTML file.

The twitter-verse is a massive place and Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare attendees are some of its most active tweeters! Many of your followers may just want to come hear you speak at the conference. Use these sample tweets to get their attention so they will know about your presence at Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare!

Double your reach! Use our Twitter handle @PAWHealth in your tweets and we will re-tweet it to our followers.

Facebook is the largest social network around and it's full of Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare attendees for you to reach! Use these sample Facebook posts to alert your Facebook community that you will be speaking at Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare.

Double your reach! Tag our Facebook page, Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare, in your post and we will re-share it on our page as well. Please make sure you insert your own discount code!

Linked In
Digital networking hub, LinkedIn, is a professional yet personal way to connect with your colleagues - and of course the Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare crowd! You can easily connect with others by joining the discussion on the LinkedIn Group page. Add your own comments to the page to make sure LinkedIn connections will be there to see you at Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare.

Do you have a blog? If so, please send us any entries relevant to Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare topics which are tied to your event presence and we'll promote them for you via our social media channels. Posts should be informational and insightful rather than strictly promotional.

Send all blog postings to Crystal Prag at for approval. You will be notified when they've been approved.

Double your reach! Once we promote your post on PAWHealth social media channels, don't forget to re-tweet or share with your communities!

Logos, badges & banners
Use these images below to promote your presence at Predictive Analytics World for Healthcare to your audience. Just download the image, and use the link below to link it through your website, emails, and other communications.

Predictive Analytics World Healthcare 2014
Hear me Speak PAW 2014
Hear me Speak PAW 2014
PAW health 2014
PAW health 2014

If you have any questions about exhibitor marketing opportunities, contact Crystal Prag at .

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Program by: Elder Research, Inc.
Elder Research, Inc.

Produced by Prediction Impact, Inc. and Rising Media, Inc.

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