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Speaker Interview Series

View the Q-and-As below to see how PAW Workforce speakers have incorporated predictive analytics into the workforce. Also, glimpse what's in store for the new PAW Workforce conference.

Greta Roberts, PAW Workforce Conference Chair & Co-Founder & CEO, Talent Analytics, Corp.

Greta Roberts
Keynote: Tuesday, March 31st 9:05 -10:05am
The Three Measures of Highly Effective Workforce Analytics Projects

Q: In your work with predictive analytics, what areas of the workforce are you focused on?

A: Our predictive work focuses on what we call "high volume roles". That is: Roles that have a lot of employees in the same role, performing exactly the same tasks. We focus on this area because high volume roles give us a lot of data to work with – with employees who have the same goals etc. This is a very high value area for the organization when we can solve a specific attrition or performance challenge.

We predict the following in these roles:

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Scott Mondore, Managing Partner, Strategic Management Decisions, LLC

Scott Mondore
Session: Tuesday, March 31st 10:30 -11:15am
How Dignity Health is Using Analytics to Turn Employee Surveys into Real Business Drivers

Q: In your work with predictive analytics, what areas of the workforce are you focused on?

A:We are focused on assessing the workforce (surveys, 360s, personality, knowledge) and linking that data to real business outcomes (sales, profit, productivity, customer satisfaction). This allows organizations to maximize hiring, development, leadership, succession. So, we actually focus on all three of your examples.

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Carl Schleyer, HR Data Scientist, 3D Results

Carl Schleyer
Session: Tuesday, March 31st 4:55-5:40pm
Using Predictive Analytics to Create a Leadership Index

Q: In your work with predictive analytics, what specific areas of the workforce are you focused on?

A: My personal focus on value creation and enhancing the internal brand of HR have led to analytic work interventions across the entire employee lifecycle as well as helping Operations with scheduling and productivity optimization.

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Ms. Elpida Ormanidou, Vice President, Global People Analytics, Walmart

Keynote:  Wednesday, April 2nd 9:05-10:00am
How Walmart's Predictive Analytics Models Improve Associate Experience and Performance

Q1: In your work with predictive analytics, what areas of the workforce are you focused on? (i.e., optimizing workforce productivity, using big data to solve workforce challenges, building a workforce analytics driven culture, etc.)?

A: My team, Global People Analytics, is designed to make Walmart a better employer.
As a company we take a number of approaches to understand what the work environment is like and what’s on our associates’ mind.

To support these efforts we use several predictive models on many dimensions.  One of our more traditional models is a retention model.  While Walmart’s turnover rate is below the retail industry average, with more than 1.2 million associates in the U.S., we still have a large number of short-tenured workers. It’s also important to know that over 45 percent of our workforce has been with Walmart for over 5 years and over 60 percent has been with us at least 2 years. 

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John Callery, Director of People Analytics, AOL Inc

Session:  Wednesday, April 2nd 10:00-10:45am
How AOL is Using Predictive Analytics as a Strategic HR Solution

Q1: In your work with predictive analytics, what specific areas of the workforce are you focused on?

A: We’re not focusing on a narrow area when we use predictive analytics. Our goal is to use data and predictive methods to improve all aspects of interactions with our workforce.

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Pasha Roberts, Co-Founder and Chief Scientist, Talent Analytics

Pasha Roberts
Session: Wednesday, April 1st 11:15-12:00pm
A Transaction-Based Approach to Understand Sales Representative Growth, Performance, and Gaming

Q: In your work with predictive analytics, what specific areas of the workforce are you focused on?

A: We work with clients to solve workforce problems, using a data science approach to predict the ways that an employee will behave and perform. Only rarely are the problems neatly defined, but it usually comes down to estimating tenure or performance factors. We develop and deploy these models in the cloud to inform candidate selection and internal operations.

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Patrick Coolen, Manager HR analytics, ABN-AMRO Bank

Patrick Coolen
Session: Wednesday, April 1st 11:15-11:35am
ABN-AMRO's 2-year Journey with HR Predictive Analytics

Q: In your work with predictive analytics, what specific areas of the workforce are you focused on?

A: Our mission is moving HR towards fact-based decision making. Fact-based decision making that also supports HR itself but primarily our business. For this we conduct different research projects that aim to optimize e.g. workforce productivity, business productivity or client satisfaction. We also invest in training our HR staff so that they can identify the opportunities HR analytics is offering.

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Scott Gillespie, Managing Partner, tClara

Scott Gillespie
Session: Wednesday, April 1st 3:10-3:30pm
Using Predictive Analytics to Predict and Manage "Road Warrior" Burnout (Frequent Travelers)

Q: In your work with predictive analytics, what specific areas of the workforce are you focused on?

A: The corporate road warrior – the people whose jobs require a significant amount of travel.

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Chad Harness, Lead Human Capital Analytics Consultant, Fifth Third Bank

Chad Harness
Session: Wednesday, April 1st4:15-5:00pm
Names and Numbers: Leveraging HR Culture to Accelerate the Adoption of Workforce Analytics

Q: In your work with predictive analytics, what specific areas of the workforce are you focused on?

A: I originally joined Fifth Third's Human Capital Analytics Team with the intention of building the predictive modeling capabilities of 5/3rd's Human Capital Division. However, within my first six months, I realized that I needed to re-prioritize my efforts towards building a workforce analytics-capable culture before I could gain sufficient buy-in for achieving my original goal.

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