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Predictive Analytics World – Sponsors

Sybase, an SAP company, is an industry leader in delivering enterprise and mobile software to manage, analyze and mobilize information.  We are recognized globally as a performance leader, proven in most data-intensive industries and across all major systems, networks and devices.  Sybase IQ with PlexQ technology redefines enterprise-wide business analytics with a shared everything architecture that easily supports multiple styles of complex analytics involving massive data sets by many concurrent users and workflows. Unlike shared nothing MPP solutions, a PlexQ grid dynamically manages analytics workloads across an easily expandable number of computing resources dedicated to different groups and processes, making it simpler and more cost-effective to support growing volumes of data both structured and unstructured including documents, email, Web content, images, audio, video and other data formats in expanding user communities. For more information: Read Sybase blogs: Follow us on Twitter at @Sybase and @MobileWork.

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