April 15-16, 2013
San Francisco
Delivering on the promise of data science
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Predictive Analytics World Exhibitor Center

Enhance Your Presence at PAW

Thank you for sponsoring Predictive Analytics World! We are excited to have your support and want to make sure that your sponsorship is a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

We know that exhibiting at a conference can be stressful. As a sponsor you need to be focused on reaching the targeted group of professionals that PAW brings together. When you are exhibiting at the event, your priority is to have meaningful conversations with these people to collect quality leads.

In order to make your life easier and ensure that the right attendees are stopping by your booth, we have put together a series of materials that you can use as a sponsor to help spread the word.

The information on this page is here to help you easily promote your presence as a sponsor at Predictive Analytics World to your network and potential clients. If you have any other questions specifically regarding your sponsor guidelines, contracts, order forms or delivery instructions, you may contact Mark Schmidt at .

Here is a sampling of methods we have prepared for you to implement quickly and easily to reach your PAW audience:

Remember that you can always think out-side of the box for other communication avenues that may better suit your target audience.

Your email list is sure to contain a number of potential prospects who are very close to meeting leads that you have yet to close. These people may be in attendance at PAW. If you are interested in sending a co-branded email, containing a special discount code to your list, let us know and we will create a customized HTML that you can send to your prospects and customers.

Interested? Email Angela Palladino at to request your custom email HTML file.

Increase your reach! Deploy this co-branded email piece to your contact lists and be sure to customize your company information and dedicated discount code. The more of your contacts that register for Predictive Analytics World using your discount code, the bigger your reward!

  • 5-9 attendees register using your code –
    • Receive a Literature Distribution at event
  • 10-19 attendees register using your code –
    • Receive Literature Distribution & Logo on Special Signage Near Registration at event
  • 20+ attendees register using your code –
    • Receive Literature Distribution, Logo on Special Signage Near Registration & Inclusion in the Passport Program at event

*Registrations using your code must be paid and confirmed before April 5, 2013 to qualify for this contest.

The twitter-verse is a massive place and PAW attendees are tweeting! Many of your followers may be just one face-to-face conversation away from turning into hot leads. Use these sample tweets to gather them around your booth so you don't miss the chance to connect with them.

Double your reach! Use our Twitter handle @PAWCon and official hashtag #PAWCon in your tweets and we will re-tweet it to our followers.

Facebook is the largest social network around and it's full of PAW attendees for you to reach! Use these sample Facebook posts to alert your FB community that you will be exhibiting at Predictive Analytics World.

Double your reach! Tag our Facebook page, Predictive Analytics World, in your post and we will re-share it on our page as well.

Linked In
Digital networking hub, Linked In, is a professional yet personal way to connect with your colleagues- and of course the PAW crowd! You can easily connect with others by joining the discussion on the Linkedin Group page. Add your own comments to the page to make sure Linked In connections will stop by your booth at PAW.

Don't forget to join the group page yourself!

Does your company have an official blog? If so, send us any entries relevant to Predictive Analytics World topics which are tied to your event presence and we'll promote them for you via the PAW social media channels. Posts should be informational and insightful rather than strictly promotional.

Send all blog postings to Angela Palladino at for approval; we'll notify you when they've been approved.

Double your reach! Once we promote your post on PAW social media channels, don't forget to re-tweet or share with your communities!

Logos, badges & banners
Use these images below to promote your presence at PAW to your audience. Just download the image, and use the link below to link it through your website, emails, and other communications.

PAW Logo Exhibitor PAW San Francisco

PAW Logo PAW San Francisco

(Click on photo for full size image)

Link the logos, badges & banners below on your site using this URL: http://www.predictiveanalyticsworld.com/sanfrancisco/2013/?utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=sf2013&utm_source=comarketing

If you have any questions about exhibitor marketing opportunities, contact Angela Palladino at .

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AbsolutData Holdings Inc
Inkiru Predictive Intelligenceâ„¢ platform

 Alpine Data Labs
Revolution Analytics

Information Builders
Salford Systems
University of California, Irvine Extension
University of San Diego
University of San Francisco

Tableau software
Turing Data



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Produced by Prediction Impact, Inc. and Rising Media, Inc.

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